shani petroff dot com

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quick Update

Hi everyone,
Here's a quick update on what I've been up to:
Writing, writing, writing. 
A trilogy about destiny that I co-wrote is being shopped around -- and so is a BEDEVILED TV show. A producer approached me to write a pilot, and now it's wait and see. My fingers are crossed!
Meantime, I'm working on a new middle grade book (I think you'll like it!), keeping busy at Fox 5 (the tech special I produced was nominated for an Emmy -- it didn't win, but it was still cool to be nominated, and I'm writing a weekly blog post for a popular website.
Thank you for all of your emails and FB messages -- if I didn't respond, I probably didn't get it -- so please send it again!
I love hearing from you all!

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